Convey accurate information of current situation,
safety place,
the way to go home calmly and rapidly. -
Stay in safe place,
do not let refugees move recklessly.
Ensure a safe place as refuge to avoid any trouble during
rescue work and ensure safety. -
Talk to each other with warm hospitality.
Even in time of disaster,
try to look after tourist
and continue to have the consciousness of
entertaining them as much as possible. -
Work together with government.
Try to cooperate with government in the direction and evacuation,
carried out your task in local community rapidly. -
Try to share the procedure of evacuation
regularly with people around you for natural
disaster occur.Understand the contents
of hazard map on a daily basis, and make sure you remember
the location of the nearest refugee from your place.
About sign of Wide area refuge

Wide area refuge is designated for
place where can accomondate large
number of refugees. It will be used when big natural disaster occur.